Category Archives: H. Special anouncement

Special — Managing for Meaningful Outcomes

Management has been called the technology of human accomplishment, yet traditional management approaches often fail to produce meaningful results. Management technology needs to be reinvented because it remains primarily organization-centric and locked into a largely meaningless input-output model that values efficiency as the highest good. Historically, this approach has been the basis for a vast constellation of organizations in business, government, and nonprofits sectors, but it generally fails to produce meaningful and timely evidence for management decision support and frequently creates negative side-effects among internal actors and within the environment. Going forward, management technology needs to adopt a more meaningful input-outcome model that values positive organizational effectiveness as the highest good and serves to sustain or improve the health of both the organization and its environment as a holistic system. This is what managing for meaningful outcomes aims to achieve.

Read my 2019 paper on this topic at:

Charles G. Chandler, Ph.D.

Become Truly Great (The Book)

Capitalism is broken and management theory is at fault. Here is the solution.

In a wide-ranging story that weaves together threads from history, economics, engineering, biology, and organization and management theory, Charles Chandler derives a new approach to management for both practitioners and scholars. He revisits pioneers such as Adam Smith, Frederick Winslow Taylor, Alfred D. Chandler, Milton Friedman, and Peter Drucker, among others, to tell an epic story in an engaging way. The aim is nothing short of fixing management (and saving capitalism from itself).

Be Virtuous, Discover Effectiveness, Become Truly Great!

  • Recognize why ‘efficiencyism’ robs an organization of its potential;
  • Find out why dysfunction is an emergent phenomenon when you set arbitrary goals;
  • Discover how manual workers & knowledge workers become productive;
  • Understand effectiveness, then verify it in the field through direct observation;
  • Adapt offerings to changes in the external environment;
  • Join in with other organizations to manage capitalism for the common good.

The effective organization understands its environment, serves it in innovative ways, and is rewarded in return. It is not about maximizing shareholder value, but about providing customer value, and creating products and services that elicit favorable customer responses. The demand-side always remains in control of whether any given transaction will be completed. The supply side cannot run full steam ahead unless the demand side agrees. The achievement of effectiveness is a win-win for both the organization and its environment.

The book is currently available in softcover, hardcover, Kindle reader, and Audible audiobook editions on

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